Quanzhou Jinlin Luggage
The company implements lean production management, introducing ERP management system,Establish standardized processes and strengthen quality management systems,Improve the company's organizational construction, through post-pull production, balanced continuous flow, multi-energy worker training,Three quality policies (no defective products, no defective products, no defective products) and other lean production reduce waste,Reduce inventory turnover, improve quality, and integrate with the international modern factory model.
The company implements lean production management, introducing ERP management system,Establish standardized processes and strengthen quality management systems,Improve the company's organizational construction, through post-pull production, balanced continuous flow, multi-energy worker training,Three quality policies (no defective products, no defective products, no defective products) and other lean production reduce waste,Reduce inventory turnover, improve quality, and integrate with the international modern factory model.
The company implements lean production management, introducing ERP management system,Establish standardized processes and strengthen quality management systems,Improve the company's organizational construction, through post-pull production, balanced continuous flow, multi-energy worker training,Three quality policies (no defective products, no defective products, no defective products) and other lean production reduce waste,Reduce inventory turnover, improve quality, and integrate with the international modern factory model.
The company implements lean production management, introducing ERP management system,Establish standardized processes and strengthen quality management systems,Improve the company's organizational construction, through post-pull production, balanced continuous flow, multi-energy worker training,Three quality policies (no defective products, no defective products, no defective products) and other lean production reduce waste,Reduce inventory turnover, improve quality, and integrate with the international modern factory model.
The company implements lean production management, introducing ERP management system,Establish standardized processes and strengthen quality management systems,Improve the company's organizational construction, through post-pull production, balanced continuous flow, multi-energy worker training,Three quality policies (no defective products, no defective products, no defective products) and other lean production reduce waste,Reduce inventory turnover, improve quality, and integrate with the international modern factory model.
经特殊工艺制得,保留了大量优质芳烃,具有与丁苯胶、顺丁胶等橡胶优良的相容性;特定碳型结构赋予其良好的填充性和加工性,缩短混炼时间、降低能耗;同时严格控制了有致癌性的多环芳烃,PCA含量小于3%(m)、8种PAHs(多环芳烃)总量小于10mg/kg、苯并(a)芘含量小于1 mg/kg,满足欧盟REACH环保法规要求。牌号:A1004 A1020 适用于以丁苯橡胶、顺丁橡胶为原料的环保型轮胎的制造,也适用于充油丁苯、充油顺丁等合成橡胶制品的生产
品名 |
A1004 |
A1020 |
质量指标 |
实测结果 |
质量指标 |
实测结果 |
20℃密度,g/cm3 |
报告 |
904.6 |
报告 |
928.6 |
运动黏度,mm2/s |
报告 |
29.84 |
报告 |
822.1 |
闪点,℃ ≥ |
165 |
176 |
210 |
218 |
倾点,℃ ≤ |
-10 |
<-15 |
15 |
-3 |
苯胺点,℃ |
85 |
77.6 |
99 |
96.2 |
色度,号 ≤ |
0.5 |
<0.5 |
- |
/ |
酸值,mgKOH/g ≤ |
0.5 |
0.0121 |
报告 |
0.024 |
折光(20℃) |
报告 |
1.4960 |
报告 |
1.5068 |
黏重常数(VGC) |
报告 |
0.8636 |
报告 |
0.8552 |
硫含量,mg/kg |
报告 |
<5 |
报告 |
379.3 |
稠环芳烃(PCA)含量,% < |
3 |
2.99 |
3 |
2.4 |
碳型分布,% |
CA值≥ |
10 |
11.7 |
10 |
10.0 |
CP值 |
报告 |
46.7 |
报告 |
49.4 |
CN值 |
报告 |
41.6 |
报告 |
10.6 |
八种多环芳烃(PAHs)之和mg/kg≤ |
10 |
4.571 |
10 |
9.786 |
其中:苯并(a)芘 ≤ |
1 |
<0.05 |
1 |
0.051 |
苯并(e)芘 |
报告 |
0.631 |
报告 |
4.988 |
苯并(a)蒽 |
报告 |
0.256 |
报告 |
0.055 |
䓛 |
报告 |
2.964 |
报告 |
0.923 |
苯并(b)荧蒽 |
报告 |
0.708 |
报告 |
2.108 |
苯并(j)荧蒽 |
苯并(k)荧蒽 |
二苯并(a,h)蒽 |
报告 |
<0.03 |
报告 |
1.660 |
Quanzhou Jinlin Environmental Protection High-tech Materials Co., Ltd.
ADDRESS:D-3, Pangde Industrial Park, Yongchun County, Quanzhou City, Fujian Province
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